Background to the establishment of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Liberal arts and sciences education

After eliminating the Faculty of Liberal Arts in 1994, Nagoya University launched, in April 1995, a new education program that replaced the traditional general education program with a liberal arts and sciences educational program that integrates liberal arts and sciences and basic education. This program is the same for all university schools. The goal is to foster advanced expertise and cultivate well-rounded individuals. An All University Four-Year Integrated Committee made up of members from throughout the university was established to manage the program. It was subsequently reorganized as the Liberal Arts and Sciences Committee with members selected from the various schools and other university groups. A Four-Year Integrated Education Planning Committee and a General Education Operating Committee were set up to work under this management body. (These two committees were subsequently merged into the General Education Committee.)

Nagoya University Academic Charter and Organizational Reforms

The Nagoya University Academic Plan was created with the aim of establishing the University as a core comprehensive university for the twenty-first century and to develop academic activities appropriate for a new era. The Nagoya University Academic Charter, which is based on the basic principles of the Academic Plan, was adopted in February 2000. In addition, it was decided that the organization and administration of Nagoya University would be based on a two-dimensional organizational structure consisting of a vertical detailed axis (department system) and a horizontal comprehensive axis (university-wide organization). The department system is composed of academic departments that continue to engage in and further develop education and research activities in existing academic fields. They are also expected to function as a unified body to create new academic fields as needed. The Graduate School of Environmental Studies was newly established in April 2001 as an interdisciplinary graduate school that integrates the humanities and sciences. The Graduate School of Information Science was established, and the Graduate School of Languages and Cultures was expanded and reorganized in April 2003. In December 2001, the Institute for Advanced Research was established as a university-wide research organization suitable for a research hub university, and the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences was set up to guide liberal arts and sciences education, which is stressed at Nagoya University.

Shift from a committee system to headquarters system

To further expand and develop its liberal arts and sciences program in a manner appropriate for a university that stresses liberal arts and sciences education, the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences began operating as a strong headquarters organization to oversee the administration of liberal arts and sciences education. The Institute is responsible for devising plans, overall planning, and conducting, and evaluating this educational program. Although the traditional committee format worked well as a means of inspecting and ensuring proper management of the general education program, it had only functioned as a coordinating body. The Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences was established as an independent organization to manage liberal arts and sciences education in order to improve and invigorate the program.

Composition of the ILAS


Composition of the ILAS

Member of the Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences(As of April 1, 2024)

Director of ILAS NAYATANI Shin
Vice-Director of ILAS
(Education Affairs)
Vice-Director of ILAS HOSHINO Yukiyo
Vice-Director of ILAS NAKAMURA Yasuyuki

Management Department
Chief Examiner of Physics Committee TANIYAMA Tomoyasu Graduate School of Science
Chief Examiner of Chemistry Committee SATSUMA Atsushi Graduate School of Engineering
Chief Examiner of Biology Committee WATANABE Akira Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences
Chief Examiner of Earth Science Committee NAKAGAWA Fumiko Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Chief Examiner of Mathematics Committee NAGAO Taro Graduate School of Mathematics
Chief Examiner of Basic Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences Committee ITOU Akihiro Graduate School of Education and Human Development
Chief Examiner of English Committee HAYASHI Makoto Graduate School of Humanities
Chief Examiner of Second Foreign Languages Committee UTSUGI Akira Graduate School of Humanities
Chief Examiner of Japanese Committee SATO Kouki Language Education Center
Chief Examiner of Health and Sports Science Committee AKIMA Hiroshi Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports
Chief Examiner of Data Science Committee IDE Ichiro Graduate School of Informatics
Chief Examiner of International Program Committee VASSILEVA Maria ILAS
Chief Examiner of Graduate School Common Courses Committee Paul Wai Ling LAI ILAS
Concurrent Faculty Member OIDA Haruhiko Graduate School of Humanities
Concurrent Faculty Member OKUBO Akira Graduate school of Law
Concurrent Faculty Member YANAGIHARA Mitsuyoshi Graduate school of Economics
Concurrent Faculty Member MIYATA Takaki Graduate School of Medicine
  IMURA Keiichiro ILAS
  SHUKU Yoshiaki ILAS
Education Planning & Development Center
Division of infrastructural Development Division Director KOMATSU Masahiro Education Planning & Development Center
(After August 1, 2023)
YAMAZATO Takaya Vice-Director of ILAS, Education Planning & Development Center
  MATSUBARA Midori Education Planning & Development Center
  KODAMA Hideaki Education Planning & Development Center
  KOIZUMI Takashi Education Planning & Development Center
Division of Academic Writing Education Division Director Paul Wai Ling LAI Education Planning & Development Center
Vice Division Director UTSUGI Akira Chief Examiner of Second Foreign Languages Committee
  BARNES Ryan Education Planning & Development Center
  HAMLITSCH Nathan Education Planning & Development Center
  NILEP Chad Education Planning & Development Center
  NUSKE Kyle Education Planning & Development Center
  TOOHEY David Education Planning & Development Center
  BAUMERT Nicolas Education Planning & Development Center
  LU Jian Education Planning & Development Center
Division of Global Liberal Arts Education Promotion Division Director VASSILEVA Maria Education Planning & Development Center
  RICHARD Serge Education Planning & Development Center
  BOURNE Christopher Education Planning & Development Center

Committee members

Quality Assessment and Assurance Expert Committee Chairperson NAKAMURA Yasuyuki Vice-Director of ILAS
  ITOU Akihiro Chief Examiner of Basic Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences Committee
  WATANABE Akira Chief Examiner of Biology Committee
  KOMATSU Masahiro Advisory committee member
  YASUDA Junichiro Advisory committee member
Experiment Safety & Material Management Subcommittee Chairperson NAKAMURA Yasuyuki Vice-Director of ILAS
  TANIYAMA Tomoyasu Chief Examiner of Physics Committee
  SATSUMA Atsushi  Chief Examiner of Chemistry Committee
  WATANABE Akira Chief Examiner of Biology Committee
  NAKAGAWA Fumiko Chief Examiner of Earth Science Committee
  IMURA Keiichiro Experiment Safety and Material Manager(Physics)
  SHUKU Yoshiaki Experiment Safety and Material Manager(Chemistry)
  AOKI Setsuyuki Experiment Safety and Material Manager(Biology)
  NAGAMINE Koichiro Experiment Safety and Material Manager (Earth Science)

Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration Office

The Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences Administration Office is primarily responsible for the following tasks for the university-wide education provided by the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

  • Plan, research and analysis of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education
  • Organization of class timetables etc., preparation of syllabuses
  • Classes for Liberal Arts and Sciences Education
  • Implementation of faculty development
  • Management of educational equipment, etc., and maintenance of the information environment
  • Management of budget execution for the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Maintenance of facilities and management of supplies

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Taking into consideration the spirit underlying the Nagoya University Academic Charter, Nagoya University defines liberal arts and sciences education as "education that the whole university is responsible for and includes both liberal arts and sciences education and basic education to develop creative, independent intellectuals with unique abilities.

Objectives and goals of liberal arts and sciences education

The Nagoya University Academic Charter states the following: Nagoya University maintains a free and vibrant academic culture with the mission of contributing to the well-being and happiness of humankind through research and education in all aspects of human beings, society, and nature. In particular, it aspires to foster the harmonious development of human nature and science, and to conduct highly advanced research and education that overlook the broad sweep of humanities, social, and natural sciences. The charters also sets forth the following basic educational objectives.

Nagoya University, through an education that values initiative, shall cultivate courageous intellectuals endowed with powers of rational thought and creativity.

In order to realize the basic concept of the academic charter, Nagoya University adopted a four-year integrated education system that extends from liberal arts and sciences and basic education to specialized education at each university school. A distinctive characteristic of Nagoya University's liberal arts and sciences education is that it has adopted a system in which the whole university, not a particular department or group of instructors, is responsible for the program. This approach assures that education of the highest possible quality will be provided.

Basic objectives for liberal arts and sciences education
  • To cultivate comprehensive decision-making and thinking abilities
  • To foster students' initiative and desire to study
  • To cultivate communication skills that contribute to character development
  • To nurture an inquisitive mind and cultivate fundamental academic abilities that are required in all schools

Liberal arts and sciences courses and course content

The Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses are divided into common basic courses, liberal arts courses, and basic courses for specialized fields based on the philosophy and goals of Liberal Arts and Sciences Education. The subject classification and its contents are as follows.

  1. Common Basic Courses
    • Introduction to skills for academic success
    • First Year Seminar
    • Language and Culture (English/Second Foreign Languages/ Japanese)
    • Health and Sports Science (Lecture/Practicum)
    • Data Science
  2. Liberal Arts Courses
    • Global Liberal Arts
    • Contemporary Liberal Arts
    • Problem/Project Based Learning Seminar
  3. Basic Courses for Specialized Fields
    • Basic Courses in Humanities and Social Sciences
    • Basic Courses in Natural Sciences
For more details → (PDF)

Role of the ILAS

Primary work of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Serving as headquarters for planning, devising, conducting, and evaluating liberal arts and sciences education at Nagoya University, the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences is responsible for managing liberal arts and sciences education.

  • Develop curriculum and guidelines for liberal arts and sciences
  • Design liberal arts and sciences program and create organizations to carry it out
  • Manage and operate liberal arts and sciences education
  • Evaluate curriculum and instruction
  • Promote cooperation between departments
  • Provide educational support and maintain, improve educational quality
  • Create a learning environment

Teacher Awards of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses

The purpose of the Teacher Awards of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses is to improve and enhance the quality of the University's education by recognizing teachers who have made outstanding achievements in educational and administrative activities in the University's education, or who have achieved outstanding educational results through their creative and ingenious efforts. The award has been implemented since 2008 and 35 pairs of teachers have been honored by 2023.


AY2023 award winners

List of award winners over the past three years


Organization Title Name etc.
Education Planning & Development Center Designated Associate Professor LAI Wai Ling


Organization Title Name etc.
Education Planning & Development Center Professor TOKITA Keiichiro
Graduate School of Science Lecturer KAWASAKI Takeshi
Division of Infrastructural Development , Education Planning & Development Center Professor YAMAZATO Takaya
Division of Infrastructural Development , Education Planning & Development Center Associate Professor KOMATSU Masahiro
Division of Infrastructural Development , Education Planning & Development Center Associate Professor MATSUBARA Midori
Division of Infrastructural Development , Education Planning & Development Center Designated Associate Professor KODAMA Hideaki
Division of Infrastructural Development , Education Planning & Development Center Lecturer KOIZUMI Takashi


Organization Title Name etc.
Graduate School of Science Lecturer TAKIGUCHI Kingo
Graduate School of Science Lecturer SHINOHARA Hidefumi
Graduate School of Science Lecturer INOUE Shinichiro
International Education & Exchange Center Part-time Lecturer KATO Jun
Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences Designated Lecturer HAMLITSCH Nathan Jesse

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Education Good Practices Chancellor’s Award

Tokai National Higher Education and Research System Education Good Practices Chancellor’s Award is given by the President to enhance the motivation of the instructors of the Tokai Higher Education and Research System for Education. In addition, it also awards the course as a good practice that serves as a role model for others and is recognized as having particularly excellent effects or results in order to improve the quality of the courses by the Chancellor.

The award ceremony was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. This was the first nomination for the Chancellor’s Award, and "Fundamental Physics Ⅰ" (Graduate School of Science, Professor Takeshi Kawasaki) and "Problem/Project-Based Learning Seminar (Summer Camp)"(Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Designated Associate Professor LAI Wai Ling) offered by Liberal Arts and Sciences courses were commended.

At the award ceremony, Chancellor Matsuo presented the awards and supplementary prizes to the recipients, and then expressed his sincere gratitude and greetings, including the expectation of further success in the future.


Education Planning & Development Center

The Education Planning & Development Center was established in the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences in April 2010 to strengthen and enhance the functions of liberal arts education at the University, and has three divisions under it: Division of Infrastructural Development, the Division of Academic Writing Education, and the Division of Global Liberal Arts Education Promotion.
April 2019, the Hybrid Learning Center was established under the Division of Infrastructural Development.

Division of Infrastructural Development

The Division of Infrastructural Development aims to support the smooth operation of Liberal Arts and Sciences courses at the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, develop teaching materials for Liberal Arts and Sciences courses, including new English language teaching, and improve the educational environment by utilizing new equipment.

Specifically, it develops and produces teaching materials with high educational effects utilizing ICT (information and communication technology) in response to the goals, curriculum, and respective students' qualities and abilities of the liberal arts subjects of Tokai National System of Higher Education and Research and promote the operation of specific teaching materials.

Furthermore, it also plans and produces the content for “the Nagoya University Open Course Ware” and supports the implementation of the self-directed learning support system (e-portfolio) of the University in order to broadly disseminating information regarding an aspect of education of Nagoya university to society. 

Division of Academic Writing Education

The Division of Academic Writing Education improves language education at Nagoya University by offering classes to develop reading and writing skills for academic papers by teachers whose mother tongue is a foreign language, thereby improving students' ability to communicate internationally in English and other foreign languages.
The Division of Academic Writing Education plans and manages the Nagoya University Writing Center.

Division of Global Liberal Arts Education Promotion

The Division of Global Liberal Arts Education Promotion works with faculty members in charge of Liberal Arts and Sciences courses to promote global liberal arts education in order to contribute to the establishment of a seamless liberal arts and common basic education from undergraduate to postgraduate level.
The Division for the Promotion of Global Liberal Education plans and operates the Integrated International Education Center.

Hybrid Learning Center

The Hybrid Learning Center was established in the Division of Infrastructural Development to produce, support and operate the remedial-education, e-learning materials regarding advanced education in liberal arts and on-demand lectures in association with Information media Division of the Nagoya University Information Technology Center. The Hybrid Learning Center provide support for the implementation of the following systems.

Academic English Support Section

The Academic English Support Section (commonly known as AccESS) is primarily responsible for the following tasks

  • Operation of English extracurricular learning materials and management of learning data
  • Administration of various English language examinations and management of performance data and support
  • Development of e-Learning materials
  • For 3rd and 4th year undergraduates Provision of learning materials
  • For graduate students Provision of learning materials

Materials developed by the Academic English Support Section include

For more information see

Laboratory in Physics

Laboratory in Chemistry

Initiatives of the Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences for the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System

FD for English Committee of Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses jointly organized with Gifu University (AY2019)

Faculty Development (FD) in AY2019 for the Instructors in charge of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses was held on Monday, April 8 at Liberal Arts and Sciences building etc.

This FD is conducted annually comprising General FD and FD of each committee. In General FD, following opening speeches by Professor Akira Fujimaki (Trustee in charge of Education) and Professor Kazuhisa Todayama (Director of ILAS), Professor Kenichi Suzuki from Student Support Center gave a speech on “How have the students at Nagoya University changed over the past 20 years? -Aiming for healthy education/learning of faculty and students-”

After the general FD, it was divided into FD of each committee, where opinions were exchanged on the theme of educational quality assessment and assurance, focusing on items to be included in syllabi.

The FD for the English committee was held for the first time jointly with Gifu University, which collaborates Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (hereinafter referred to as "THERS"), using the remote lecture system introduced in the previous year.

Since last year, the Director of the Division of Languages and Cultures of the ILAS General Administration Department and the Director of the English Center, in charge of General Education Courses at Gifu University, have been exchanging opinions regarding the cooperation in language education and the shared use of e-learning materials, etc. in the discussion for the THERS establishment. Through the discussion, the mutual understanding of each curriculum among the faculty members was considered important, and this led to the joint FD.

At the start of the FD, the Director gave an opening remark and so on, and it was shown high expectations of university for the new initiatives.

Though this FD, it was able to reconfirm the differences in our educational objectives, and based on this, it was able to share that the issue is to find the ways of cooperation.

The Hybrid Learning Center is working on various activities using Remote Lecture System. Please read the following website for more information.

Remote Learning System (Vidyo)

Enacted February 6, 2018 Approved by the Institute of Liberal Arts Sciences General Administration Council

Operating Policies for the Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences Official X (formerly Twitter) Account

Operating Policies for the Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences Official X Account

1. Purpose

In order to disseminate information related to the Nagoya University Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences (hereinafter referred to as "ILAS"), as well as information on events and other matters for 1st and 2nd year students, we have obtained an official X (formerly Twitter) account below. We aim to provide prompt and accurate necessary information to those who need it by posting from the account.

2. Fundamental Operation Policy

The official X account will solely be used for the disseminating information from ILAS, therefore we will not reply to the account. If students etc. have questions for the ILAS, in principle, they should come to the ILAS Administration Office as before.

3. Intended Uses

  1. Information to be posted
    1. Information on Liberal Arts & Sciences courses and Graduate School Common courses (class cancellation, etc.)
    2. Information on handling courses and final examinations in the event of a natural disaster
    3. Among the highly needs information targeted 1st and 2nd year students, those matters deemed as appropriate for dissemination to students by the Director of the Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences (hereinafter referred to as “the Director”)
  2. Response in the event of an emergency
  3. Beyond matters related to ILAS, any information received from the Risk Control Office shall be posted.
  4. Information not suitable for posting
  5. If an individual can be identified by the content of a post, such as one that calls out to students, such a post shall not be permitted in the name of protecting personal information.
  6. Account Operations Supervisor
  7. The Account Operations Supervisor shall be the Director, to be assisted by the Administrative Office of the Liberal Arts & Sciences.

4. Disclaimers

  1. While every possible effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information posted by the official X account, ILAS assumes no responsibility for the actions of users in using the information on the official X account.
  2. ILAS assumes no responsibility for any “replies”, “reposts”, or “comments”, etc. posted by users on the official X account.
  3. ILAS assumes no responsibility for any troubles or disputes between users or between users and third parties related to the official X account.
  4. Copyrights associated with comments and other posts shall belong to the users who posted them, however, the users shall be deemed to have agreed to give ILAS the right of non-proprietary use of the contents of their posts worldwide without compensation, and moreover, and to have agreed to not exercise their copyrights, etc. against Nagoya University.

5. Deletion of User Posts

When user posts fall under any of the following items, they may be deleted without prior notice and blocking accounts or other action may be taken.

  1. Those which violate laws, etc., or are at risk of doing so
  2. Those which infringe upon the rights, or interests protected under law, of ILAS or third parties
  3. Harmful programs, etc.
  4. Those which alter contents posted by ILAS in part or in its entirety
  5. Those unrelated to the contents posted by ILAS
  6. Those in which users pose as other users or third parties
  7. Those which violate the privacy of others by specifying, disclosing, or otherwise leaking personal information without the consent of these individuals
  8. Those which discriminate in terms of human rights, thoughts, beliefs, etc., or otherwise foster discrimination
  9. Those which slander specific individuals or groups, etc.
  10. Those which include obscene expressions or are otherwise inappropriate
  11. Those which contents are false or different from facts, as well as those which are merely rumors or otherwise encourage the spreading of rumors
  12. Those intended for political or religious activities
  13. Those intended for advertisement, publicity, solicitation, business or other profit-making activities
  14. Those which run contrary to public order or morality
  15. Those which ILAS otherwise deems inappropriate, as well as those which link to the information including any of the content mentioned above

6. Reproduction and Quotation

Reproduction or other use of the contents posted on the official X account, except for personal use,quotation, etc. permitted under the Copyright Act, is prohibited without ILAS permission. When quoting,the source of the content must be explicitly stated in an appropriate manner.

7. Circulation of the Operating Policies and Future Changes, etc.

The contents of these Operating Policies will be published on the ILAS website. Furthermore, these Operating Policies may be changed as necessary without prior notification.